Thursday, November 7, 2013

It's Time to Make Some Lasting Family Traditions

We are Muslim Mommies and Wives and although we don't all have children most of us probably do. And for a large majority of us they our children are no longer little babies, maybe the last one is still 5 or younger, but for the most part they are getting older, they are reaching those adolescent, early teen years. We are tired and have been mothering for quite a while now, but we have to snap out of it.

We have so few years with our children trust me they pass by so quickly, before you know it our children are out of our homes and constant care and supervision. For all of you who have young adult children you can relate with me here. You never stop missing them or wanting them around, so cherish the time you have to make lasting impressions on them, so that when they are older they still want to be around you as well. It starts when they are younger giving them a knowledge of Islam and showing them a love of Islam and of course plenty of Duaa.
As wives and mommies we are so important in raising this foundation of good in our homes so there are a few things we can do.

Read Quran with your Children

Insha Allah this gives them a love of Allah's book and it also creates a feeling of love between the family.  Insha Allah we can set an example for our children and when they are older they will remember that this is something good to do.

Have Family Dinner

Insha Allah this is something we do already we eat together as a family, however on Friday make the day a little more festive. Plan a nice meal, it doesn't have to be big, but maybe we can make the house nice and use the nice dinner ware. Just make it an enjoyable, special experience. It will be something that Insha Allah when our children are grown up they remember and love to do with you. So they will want to keep this tradition and always come to mom and dad’s house, even when they have their own families.

Play Games Together
This can be any type of permissible game, such as Islamic trivia (you can make the questions according to your child's knowledge) this is fun and it creates love and also is a great way of increasing your child's knowledge and insha Allah Imaan. Board games are also fun, such as scrabble Jr. and things like that. This creates a family bond.

 Teach them Virtues and Sunnah of Jummah

Let's start some family traditions with our children, teach them the virtues and etiquettes of Friday according to the Quran and Sunnah. Show them love for our religion and family. Insha Allah they will grow up knowing that every week for the Muslim is a holiday. Please enjoy your time with your families, and May Allah give you the good of this day, this world and the hereafter. Ameen

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