Sunday, May 20, 2012

Schedule Sunday! Let's Get Working on that organization

As Salaamu Alaikum and Good Morning ladies, I pray everyone enjoyed their dates last night. Alright it is time to roll up our sleeves, pull out those laptops dust off our schedulers and get busy organizing our week to come. It isn't as daunting a task as it sounds it is a simple procedure of looking at your day to day life and prioritizing it. My advice is to start at the top of your day and figure out what things are important and what aren't then start writing it down. So today I will share a few of my schedules with you all and we will go on a step by step process of starting our own schedule.Starting with the most important and that is a daily schedule.

1.The first thing you need to do, is like I said earlier start with waking up. I need each of you to pick a time for waking up and write it down.
2. Okay we should all have SalatulAlfajr written down, now write down next to it the time, and what you will do in this time.
3.Next I need you to figure out if you are staying awake or going back to sleep. Okay now you write down the time you will be awake and what you will be doing or how long you will be going back to sleep.TIP( SET TIMERS) for all that you have to do.
4. You choose the next important thing that must be done in your day and set the time and don't forget the timer.
5. You repeat this until you have prioritized your whole day.

So now you have your daily schedule done, keep this, don't lose it. You can print laminate and hang it up (my best suggestion) or you can keep it on your computer.Whatever you choose this will be your guide to making all of your other schedules. For instance if at 8:30 -9:30 you will be cleaning. Now you know you must make a cleaning schedule, because you can't clean everything in an hour. (Set your timers)

Now you want to look at the next thing on your daily schedule if it is cook breakfast for instance, you want to make a menu. Ladies the key to having a less hectic day is to plan. Always make a menu and a shopping list to go with it, this way you are sure to have everything you need and there is no guess work in what you are cooking. Then move on to the next item on your daily schedule say for instance it is homeschooling, now you want to make a schedule of what you will teach and be sure to fit it in the time you allocated. So you make a homeschooling schedule and make lesson plans according to that. The worst thing any teacher wants to do is stand before the students unprepared. Have a plan and a time,know your subject and set your timer. Sisters this is what you want to do for all of your "Daily Activities" use that Daily schedule as a master schedule and make all you sub schedules from it. Hey listen I know it is easy for someone to tell you that his is what you need to do, and I am trying to show you how. Of course you could purchase or print a schedule to copy or fill in, but if you really don't understand how to get started you will just be staring at a piece of paper and a year from now still be saying I need to get organized. Ladies I am here to tell you that it is all about timing making a time for everything, setting a timer and sticking to it. If that timer goes off and you are still vacuuming then you stop and you move on to the next thing on your schedule. After sometime this will be like waking up and brushing your teeth you won't think about it, you won't even have to look at your schedule. Just get started. So we will take baby steps I am asking that all of you please make a daily schedule today with exact times and task and share them with us. As Always Ladies "Enjoy your day"

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